I Love NO-CODE more then to Code

Nazim Boudeffa
1 min readSep 7, 2021

After malt announcement I have digged into the NO-CODE way, and I love it

I have started an old project design on Figma and synced it with Bravo Studio using datas from AirTable and I can say it’s a pleasure to play with all this stuff

It’s been like 5 years I haven’t touched a line of code with Android Studio, just a little attempt for an RPG game because it’s so difficult to set up a dev environement

So now I can make mobile apps without any line of code with the help of Bravo Studio

Look in the Figma document

Look in the SOCIAL table of my AirTable database

It was so easy to make this app running in few clicks, just a question of understanding the containers approach and how to link the datas in Bravo Studio

This is how it looks in Bravo Stodio

Continue reading about GFNSocial on Reddit



Nazim Boudeffa

Take it easy man ! I am a dudeist and never finish something. Read my wip books https://leanpub.com/u/nazimboudeffa