How to Code Atom with VSCode
It’s been some time I haven’t coded with Atom since I was a regular user, now that everyone is coding with VSCode how about Atom
This is a Work in Progress to let everyone keep haveing a choice of free Editors
Maybe you are not at ease with the Atom flight manual for this step
So to start coding I have installed VSCode, then GitHub Desktop
After that, I have just cloned the Atom repo
Which takes a little while, then we have it in the Explorer
After that I launch the PowerShell and type
PS D:\GitHub\atom\atom> code .
After that run
PS D:\GitHub\atom\atom> node .\script\bootstrap
You may encounter this error
I’ve opened an issue and got an answer
The installation should look something like this
After that you just need to build Atom
PS D:\GitHub\atom\atom> node .\script\build
(at a Generating Pre-Built I typed enter it was stuck)
At this moment you will have a folder called output
Go to Atom Dev x64
Launch atom-dev.exe
TODO : What are the next steps ?